The Music Industry and the War on Education

MAYBE it’s that the lyrics are so tired and basic that I’m having a hard time being inspired, moved towards the cause, but I’m only a…
Read onMAYBE it’s that the lyrics are so tired and basic that I’m having a hard time being inspired, moved towards the cause, but I’m only a…
Read on“This is not the look I was going for.” Towel in hand, the photographer is wiping up the dusty remnants of a weekend renovation spent…
Read on“THE PESSIMIST complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” – William Arthur Ward It came at precisely the right…
Read onSEVEN years ago I wrote a piece about the six degrees of separation between myself and Vice President Joe Biden, wherein I described an evening at…
Read onTHE TICKETS were booked in March, back when the idea of summer—leaves on the trees, sun on your skin, sweat trickling down your sides—seemed altogether impossible.…
Read onIT’S 9 p.m. and I am coming to grips with the fact that I am royally f’ed up, possibly unsalvageable. Though that should hardly come as…
Read onIn my experience dating, which has lasted enough consecutive years that I consider myself to be an absolute expert on the subject (especially on the…
Read on“Can you wear a skirt on a job interview?” I send the text message about twenty minutes into a harried changing session, my bedroom littered…
Read onIf you’re looking for sound and measured beauty advice, you’d be wise to ask anyone but me. I’ve had one facial in my life, and…
Read onIt’s been two years since my friend sat across from me and told me I had to write down everything I wanted in a guy…
Read onThe more technology plows into the future, the more I feel like a 91-year-old grandmother muttering about how things were better in the good old…
Read on“A custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs, and in the black, stinking fume thereof,…
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