Stillbirth Rates Are Highest in the South

Women in the U.S. South are three times more likely to lose a baby in late pregnancy than mothers in other regions, a new study…

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Select Vitamins, Minerals During Pregnancy Protect Heart Health Later

Getting essential vitamins and minerals during pregnancy can help a woman maintain healthy blood pressure into middle age, new research suggests. High levels of the…

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Poor Sleep Drives High Blood Pressure In Teens

Teens who sleep fewer than 7.7 hours are more likely to have high blood pressure, a new study suggests. Likewise, those suffering from both insomnia…

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Breastfeeding Improves Heart Health In Children

Breastfeeding can promote lower blood pressure among children, a new study says. Longer-term breastfeeding appears to populate a baby’s gut with diverse bacteria that could…

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Difficult Menopause Could Be Warning Sign For Future Dementia

Hot flashes, night sweats and other symptoms of a difficult menopause could be early warning flags for dementia, a new study suggests. Women who exhibit…

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Chronic Stress Boosts Stroke Risk In Young Women

Chronic stress can increase young women’s risk of stroke, a new study says. Moderate stress increases risk of stroke by 78% in women but not…

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Weight Training Best Exercise For Insomnia Among Seniors

Seniors battling insomnia are best off picking up some dumbbells or doing some push-ups, a new evidence review suggests. Resistance exercise, activities that make muscles…

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‘Cycle Syncing’ Doesn’t Boost Strength Training Results

Social media influencers tout the benefits of “cycle syncing” to boost strength training results among women. The idea is that women who lift weights during…

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Bad Meetings Can Leave You With a Productivity ‘Hangover’

Bad meetings don’t just waste time — they can leave workers with a “meeting hangover,” new research shows. More than 90% of employees surveyed by…

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‘Telelactation’ Support Promotes Breastfeeding

Need help figuring out breastfeeding? There’s an app for that, researchers say. “Telelactation” support is effective in promoting breastfeeding among new mothers, according to a…

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Physical Activity Linked to Better Mental, Brain Health

FRIDAY. Feb. 28, 2025Moving your body helps your brain, a new study suggests. Folks who regularly exercise have better mental and brain health, researchers will…

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No Suicide Risk Associated With GLP-1 Drugs

GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic/Wegovy don’t increase a person’s risk of suicidal actions or thoughts, a new study has concluded. Earlier research had potentially linked these…

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