Vegetarian Diets Found to Cause Genetic Mutations

TRULY ADOPTING AND STICKING WITH a vegetarian diet is no easy feat. For many people, the lifestyle change is worth it for health reasons —…
Read onTRULY ADOPTING AND STICKING WITH a vegetarian diet is no easy feat. For many people, the lifestyle change is worth it for health reasons —…
Read onTHE INCREASED VISIBILITY of different body types in the advertising world has really been picking up over the past few years. The “plus-sized,” less-abled, and…
Read onPEOPLE LOVE to throw around the saying “money can’t buy you happiness,” even though most of us are positive we would actually be a little…
Read onYOU WOULD THINK that all the technology and safe-sex educational material we have today would mean a decline in the transfer of STDs and STIs.…
Read onSUICIDE IS THE 10TH LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN THE UNITED STATES. It is generally considered a bigger problem with men, since men are 3.5…
Read onDO YOU KISS with your eyes closed? Barring those moments where curiosity about your partner’s “kissing face” gets the better of you, of course you…
Read onWHEN YOU DECIDE to start trying for a pregnancy, you’re quick to realize that it comes with a whole list of lifestyle changes, which of…
Read onCHANCES ARE, if you grew up with your mother constantly yelling at you to stand up straight, she wasn’t worrying about your future dating life.…
Read onTHE ORIGINS OF “Netflix and chill” date back to 2007, although the memes and GIFs playing off of it really didn’t start flooding the internet…
Read onNO ONE who’s ever found herself in a sticky situation when it comes to her period is going to stop to lament the tax on…
Read onHAVE YOU EVER FELT LIKE you put in all this time at the gym and lose a few hard-earned pounds — only to have no…
Read onABOUT TWO WEEKS AGO, “news” broke of an Instagram model that’s claiming to have lost thousands of followers in a “social experiment” that involved her…
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