Accepting the Things I Am No Longer Sorry For
“It takes years as a woman to unlearn what you have been taught to be sorry for.” This is just one of the pieces of…
Read on“It takes years as a woman to unlearn what you have been taught to be sorry for.” This is just one of the pieces of…
Read onI’VE HAD a Tumblr account for almost five years. In that time, I’ve met new real-life friends, connected with interesting people through messages and reblogs, gotten a peek…
Read onPICTURE IT: Halloween 1990. My mother and I had been planning my costume for months. I was going to be Dorothy from The Wizard of…
Read onMESSAGE SENT, no response received. We’ve all been here, on Tinder, on our phones, with email, OKCupid, Tumblr, etc. etc. When it involves romance or…
Read onLOOK! It’s a list! Basic b*tches love lists! Or not. Or maybe. Or WHATEVER. I’d venture to say everyone likes what has been popularly defined…
Read on“You’re way too pretty to not be knocked up.” This was the romantic one-liner I received on OKCupid two years ago. It was also the message…
Read onIN THIS weird time of DIY-everything (which is often just re-purposing what some person on Pinterest did), it’s pretty easy to feel overwhelmed or flat-out…
Read onA NEW STUDY from the English vitamin company Healthspan claims that “Women spend 10 days every year ‘grumpy.’“ Stop the presses right there. Women, myself included, spend…
Read onWHAT CONSTITUTES a mini-emergency? Tough to put these on the spectrum of life, but you know what I’m talking about: you get to the airport…
Read onLAST WEEK on the FOX Network’s morning show “Fox & Friends,” Baltimore Ravens running-back Ray Rice and his domestic violence scandal found themselves the hot topic…
Read onYOU KNOW what’s awesome about flying? Getting to your destination. You know what usually sucks about flying? Layovers. Most avid travelers and, really anyone who has ever…
Read onA PHOTO of the words “TODAY I MADE NOTHING” spelled out on one of those blackboards with white plastic letters that you see outside of older…
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