Ask Him: I’m Not a Fan Of My Boyfriend’s Style

Q: I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about two years, and it’s been great. He’s an amazing partner. But I’m sick of the way he…
Read onQ: I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about two years, and it’s been great. He’s an amazing partner. But I’m sick of the way he…
Read onQ: I’ve been dating this guy for quite a while now, and everything is great. We get each other like you wouldn’t believe, our friends…
Read onQ: “My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year, but this our first Christmas together. I want the gift I give him…
Read onThis is the first year I’m going to be visiting my boyfriend’s family for Thanksgiving. It’s also the first time I’m going to be meeting his mom. I really want to make a good impression. They have a really close relationship, and I don’t want to step on her toes. What should I do to prepare?
Read onQ: “My friend just started dating this guy who is super nice, and I actually really like him. I’ve met his friends, too, and everyone…
Read onQ: So, for a little while now I have been seeing more than one guy at the same time. I like things about both (okay,…
Read onQ: “My boyfriend loves video games. A lot. I don’t really understand how he can spend so much time glued to his controller. He spends…
Read onQ: I am kind of a big drunk texter. Sometimes it gets me in trouble, but other times it really works out in my favor.…
Read onQ: “My boyfriend and I play in the same fantasy football league, and we face each other this week for the first time ever. I…
Read onQ: I have been hitting Tinder hard lately, and as a result I have gone on a few dates. Some of the guys I have…
Read onQ: “WHY IS it that some men seem to actively want a woman with no autonomy or desire for independence? A: I appreciate that you…
Read onQ: “I went on a great date last week. We made out for, literally, an hour or so and agreed that we would go out again…
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