The Women Suing Wen Hair Care Aren’t on a Cash Grab

WHENEVER SOMEONE SUES A PROFITABLE COMPANY, you’re bound to find some laypeople who think the lawsuit is a frivolous waste of taxpayer dollars. It’s only a matter…
Read onWHENEVER SOMEONE SUES A PROFITABLE COMPANY, you’re bound to find some laypeople who think the lawsuit is a frivolous waste of taxpayer dollars. It’s only a matter…
Read onI WAGED AN UNSUCCESSFUL AND COSTLY WAR on my armpit hair for six long years, from the age of 12 until I turned 18. I…
Read onScrolling down my Facebook feed recently, I came across a picture of the backside of a woman in cheeky underwear. In the comment section, men…
Read onCARA SANTANA GETS BOOKED. She’s one of the industry’s most successful models, after all, and she’s parlaying her in-demand status into an on-demand beauty business.…
Read onSLENDER BODIES, smooth lines, and perfectly even skin are still the norm in most magazines and catalogs, but not all brands have turned a deaf…
Read onONE OF THE DISTINCTIONS OF SECOND-WAVE FEMINISM is its rebellion against traditional notions of femininity and the things that reinforce it, including beauty conventions. In many…
Read onIT CAN BE DIFFICULT for one woman to stand out in the saturated beauty industry. For Kat Rudu, standing out has never been her problem.…
Read onIN THIS weird time of DIY-everything (which is often just re-purposing what some person on Pinterest did), it’s pretty easy to feel overwhelmed or flat-out…
Read onDURING my super fun puberty years I wanted a Wet Brush. It was supposed to glide easily through hair. Detangling and making beautiful the knots…
Read onTHE RESULTS are in… and they’re not that surprising, though they should be. The demographic of single women is dominated by those with smarts. That’s…
Read onIf you’re looking for sound and measured beauty advice, you’d be wise to ask anyone but me. I’ve had one facial in my life, and…
Read onIf you’re like more than one-third of Americans out there, when you go to the beach for the day, you pack everything a beach-goer could…
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