Just F.Y.I.: Hating on Female Celebrities Isn’t Feminist

GOOGLE BEYONCÉ. Taylor Swift. Rihanna. Katy Perry. Nicki Minaj. Read the Facebook and Twitter commentary on the articles you find. I’ll guarantee half of it ranges …
Read onGOOGLE BEYONCÉ. Taylor Swift. Rihanna. Katy Perry. Nicki Minaj. Read the Facebook and Twitter commentary on the articles you find. I’ll guarantee half of it ranges …
Read onWELCOME to So Pasted, LadyClever.com’s roundup of some of the best parts of what was probably a terrible week for almost everyone in existence who managed…
Read onNearly three weeks after Elliot Rodger murdered seven people in Isla Vista, news about the shooting has slowed to a trickle. The only items still…
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