Sound Off: Guys, If You’re Really Nice, Take a Hint

FIND ANY STORY where a woman has been harassed, assaulted, or berated by a man, and you’ll see plenty of guys — and, unfortunately, one…
Read onFIND ANY STORY where a woman has been harassed, assaulted, or berated by a man, and you’ll see plenty of guys — and, unfortunately, one…
Read onAS IF using Tinder doesn’t already leave you feeling strange and uncomfortable with your ability to so easily judge a book by its cover, swiping…
Read onI’VE HAD a Tumblr account for almost five years. In that time, I’ve met new real-life friends, connected with interesting people through messages and reblogs, gotten a peek…
Read onLAST WEEK, a woman decided to stalk someone she was talking to online and show up at their house — not choosing to knock, like…
Read onMESSAGE SENT, no response received. We’ve all been here, on Tinder, on our phones, with email, OKCupid, Tumblr, etc. etc. When it involves romance or…
Read onSURPRISE, SURPRISE: online dating isn’t the lonely heart’s cure-all we might think it is. Do we still think it is? I thought we had already…
Read onWHEN relationship counselor John Grey wrote in the 90s that “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus,” he only got half of it right.…
Read on“SORRY, I meant to send that message like six hours ago, but it didn’t go through!” So read the message from my latest suitor on…
Read onTIRED OF casting your line into the random depths of Tinder and coming up empty-handed? Or worse, having to release fish after fish that doesn’t…
Read onHere’s a story: Girl walks into a bar. Girl sees her friends. Girl walks straight towards her friends because, man, these people are awesome! Girl…
Read onThe other day, during a Gchat conversation with one of my best guy friends, my phone vibrated and a six-pack of Yuengling appeared on the…
Read onAt a recent dinner party I overheard some of my single friends gabbing about Tinder. “Grinder for straight people,” they said. Call me old-fashioned but…
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