Vegetarian Diets Found to Cause Genetic Mutations

TRULY ADOPTING AND STICKING WITH a vegetarian diet is no easy feat. For many people, the lifestyle change is worth it for health reasons —…
Read onTRULY ADOPTING AND STICKING WITH a vegetarian diet is no easy feat. For many people, the lifestyle change is worth it for health reasons —…
Read onTHE INCREASED VISIBILITY of different body types in the advertising world has really been picking up over the past few years. The “plus-sized,” less-abled, and…
Read onYOU WOULD THINK that all the technology and safe-sex educational material we have today would mean a decline in the transfer of STDs and STIs.…
Read onIN FEBRUARY, the city of Charlotte, North Carolina passed an ordinance that protected trans peoples’ rights to use public bathrooms that correspond with their gender…
Read onWHEN YOU DECIDE to start trying for a pregnancy, you’re quick to realize that it comes with a whole list of lifestyle changes, which of…
Read onLONG GONE are the days when St. Patrick’s Day brought to mind shamrocks, leprechauns, and pots of gold. Originally intended to honor the patron saint…
Read onREJOICE and give thanks to whichever gods ye may believe in, all my booze hounds and coffee fiends! A cup of coffee each morning may…
Read onTHE DETOX CRAZE finally reached the Deep South this year, and I’m not talking about Louisiana. A company called Embrace Pangea now sells “herbal womb…
Read onA MOSQUITO-BORNE ILLNESS with the potential to cause major birth defects is changing arguments about a woman’s right to choose. The Zika virus is reshaping…
Read onBARBIE SALES have been plummeting for years, likely because of a more prominent national conversation about body image and a progressive shift toward more gender-neutral…
Read onNO ONE who’s ever found herself in a sticky situation when it comes to her period is going to stop to lament the tax on…
Read onLAST YEAR, I vowed that by the end of 2015, I would get LASIK eye surgery and finally, finally be able to kiss my contacts…
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