6 Books to Get You through This Cold Winter

Whether you pair it with tea, coffee, or hot chocolate, lounge in bed or curl up your couch, tweet lines as you go or keep it all to yourself, a pile of great books will be your solace.
Read onWhether you pair it with tea, coffee, or hot chocolate, lounge in bed or curl up your couch, tweet lines as you go or keep it all to yourself, a pile of great books will be your solace.
Read onZadie Smith is a British-born literary sensation. A novelist, short story writer, and essayist, she has won the Orange Prize for Fiction, been on Granta’s list of the top 20 young writers, and now teaches in the Creative Writing program at New York University.
Read onAs fall quickly approaches, we start to think about the things we had planned to do this summer — the things we plan to do every summer.
Read onVIDA is an organization with a unique mission: to quantify women’s representation in the literary arts. Their approach? Count.
Read onIN AN ARTICLE discussing multi-million dollar advances for debut authors, Knopf editor Claudia Herr told Entertainment Weekly that Stephanie Danler “would have [been] paid … the same money” for Sweetbitter, even…
Read onWomen are funny — if you don’t think so, you need to find a sense of humor.
Read onMasculinity is fragile. While it’s only been fairly recently that this fact has been discussed in mainstream discourse, not only does it resonate with many…
Read onWOMEN IN COMICS might have had a shaky start to 2016, after the Angoulême Festival snubbed female writers and artists entirely in its 43rd annual award, but…
Read onTHE PHRASE “19th-CENTURY BLACK WOMEN WRITERS” probably brings to mind only one or two names. Sojourner Truth, probably; Phyllis Wheatley if you’re fancy. If you…
Read onFROM SUFFRAGIST PAMPHLETS to the xeroxed zines of riot grrl, DIY publishing is one of the oldest tricks in the feminist book. Creating and controlling…
Read onJHUMPA LAHIRI describes her relationship to Italian as a love affair: “When you’re in love, you want to live forever… Reading in Italian arouses a…
Read onIN THE WORLD OF COMICS, you don’t get much more prestigious than the French lifetime achievement award known as the Angoulême Grand Prix — for…
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