Why Women Need To Look At Our Own Misogyny

A RECENT STUDY of tweets sent in the UK found that half of the abusive tweets with the words “slut” or “whore” in them were…
Read onA RECENT STUDY of tweets sent in the UK found that half of the abusive tweets with the words “slut” or “whore” in them were…
Read onIN AN UNEXPECTED-BUT-TOTALLY-APPROPRIATE TURN OF EVENTS for a world that doesn’t make sense anymore, it turns out that people who watch porn perceive women as more…
Read onSINGER MIGUEL proposed to his long-time girlfriend Nazanin Mandi last month. And by “long-time,” we mean looooooong tiiiiime — the two have been dating for…
Read onSINCE LAST SUMMER, I’ve played pool once a week with my roommate. We call it our “roommate date.” Pool night is my favorite night of…
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