Cars for Women + 7 Other Needlessly Gendered Things

Long known for being not quite pro-women, Cosmopolitan doubled down on their love of gender norms when they unveiled a car for women at the Cosmpolitan FashFest in London.
Read onLong known for being not quite pro-women, Cosmopolitan doubled down on their love of gender norms when they unveiled a car for women at the Cosmpolitan FashFest in London.
Read onJennifer Siebel Newsom, creator of the 2011 documentary Miss Representation, which delved into the objectification of women in media, turned her focus to masculinity in The Mask You Live In.
Read onA RECENT STUDY of tweets sent in the UK found that half of the abusive tweets with the words “slut” or “whore” in them were…
Read onSINGER MIGUEL proposed to his long-time girlfriend Nazanin Mandi last month. And by “long-time,” we mean looooooong tiiiiime — the two have been dating for…
Read onBARBIE SALES have been plummeting for years, likely because of a more prominent national conversation about body image and a progressive shift toward more gender-neutral…
Read onTHE PLAYBOY BUNNY IS AN INTERESTING — AND POLARIZING — CREATURE. With her skin-tight bodysuits, bunny ears, and fluffy pin-on cottontail, she’s an all-American sex…
Read onI WAGED AN UNSUCCESSFUL AND COSTLY WAR on my armpit hair for six long years, from the age of 12 until I turned 18. I…
Read onIs there a cure for toxic masculinity?
Read onI’ve already argued that bringing the body in line with one’s self-conceived gender identity does not undermine the idea that gender norms are socially constructed as…
Read onElinor Burkett, a journalist, filmmaker, and former professor of women’s studies, published a piece in the New York Times last month expressing frustration with the…
Read onAS A STUDENT of philosophy and political theory, I learned that terminology certainly has its place. The ability to communicate complex ideas in one term…
Read onONE IN FOUR WOMEN will have a miscarriage during her lifetime. I knew the numbers were high, but twenty-five freaking percent, that’s huge. What’s more baffling, though,…
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