Tagged: women and elections

5 Things You Can Watch Instead of the Inauguration

We’re just a few short hours away from the end of Barack Obama’s presidency, and many of us who won’t be on our way to Washington or participating in active protests on Friday wonder what the best way is to protest Trump’s inauguration from home.

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Why We Must Now Fight for Issues, Not Elections

In January 2017, Republicans will control both houses of Congress and the presidency. Yes, there are circumstances under which a candidate other than Donald Trump could assume the highest office in the U.S., but a revolt of the Electoral College, while legal, would be unprecedented.

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Clinton Lost — But the Fight Isn’t Over Yet

The nation is still reeling from the results of last night’s elections. Some of its citizens are weeping tears of frustration and sadness, while others are celebrating like they haven’t celebrated in years. You can probably guess which camp Lady Clever falls into.

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Misogyny is the Biggest Indicator of Trump Support

The biggest bombshell of the 2016 presidential election was not Hillary Clinton’s email troubles or Donald Trump’s loss of Twitter privileges. Instead, it was a study from University of Michigan researchers proving that misogyny is a bigger indicator of Trump support than racism.

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Disrupting the System for an Awful President is Useless

Looking back on the 2016 presidential elections, it seems as though Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) threw his hat into the ring, and single-handedly inspired a generation of voters to cast their ballots in protest of the two-party system and all it represents.

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