People Discriminated Against More Likely to Suffer From Sleep Issues

Many people have trouble sleeping when they’re stressed out or feeling anxious, so it’s not entirely shocking that people who are discriminated against do as well.
Read onMany people have trouble sleeping when they’re stressed out or feeling anxious, so it’s not entirely shocking that people who are discriminated against do as well.
Read onIt’s no secret that going to therapy can be beneficial to mental and emotional health, but some new research is pointing out an interesting reason about why that is. A study published in the journal Translational Psychiatry found that when a therapist helps a patient challenge unhealthy thought patterns, that person shows measurable changes in their brain activity.
Read onWe’ve heard over and over again that men and women have brains that work in slightly different ways, but some new research on emotions claims that the sexes are more alike then we think.
Read onWe already know that exercise is good for both our mental and physical health, but now research has proven that the people who exercise more often are actually better suited to deal with stress at work.
Read onAlthough we might still be fighting for gender equality on many fronts, the fact still remains that there are some genetic differences between men and women, and there are some important reasons to pay attention to that fact.
Read onMore than half of all women will get a urinary tract infection at some point in their life, and for many women, the issue will be a reoccurring one.
Read onIf you count yourself among the bookworms of the world, kudos to you. It’s a healthy habit that can improve your life in a variety of ways, including making you a better, more empathetic person.
Read onIn a world of people thinking that they need to avoid gluten because their favorite mommy blog tells them to, there exists Celiac disease: a real gluten intolerance with serious potential long-term complications and malignancies.
Read onAll the time we spend holding onto our smartphones is having some serious effects on our bodies. Not only are we bending our necks forward at unnatural angles to peer down at the screens, but apparently we’re also weakening our grips.
Read onYou can stop beating yourself up for being a lazy daydreamer. Some recent research suggests that lazy people are actually smarter than people who always seek out physical activity, because smart people don’t get bored as easily and can entertain themselves by thinking instead of doing.
Read onWe all know people who have a lot of opinions when it comes to other people’s relationships, although why they feel the need to voice them — or think that the couples in question even care, really — is hard to say.
Read onMen are usually assumed to be the cheating half of the species, especially when you take pseudo-biological theories into account.
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