Three Orgs Focusing on Men to End Sexual Violence

APRIL IS SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH, and “Prevention is Possible” is the theme for 2016. The discourse around sexual violence has increasingly emphasized that the…
Read onAPRIL IS SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH, and “Prevention is Possible” is the theme for 2016. The discourse around sexual violence has increasingly emphasized that the…
Read onOne of the world’s best countries for women has a new immigrant education program that has left many observers on the fence. Norway provides voluntary-participation classes…
Read onTRIGGER WARNING: rape, sexual assault and harassment, verbal and psychological abuse. Also, light spoiler alerts. WHEN I SAT DOWN TO WATCH JESSICA JONES, I had…
Read onACCORDING TO THE RAPE, ABUSE, AND INCEST NATIONAL NETWORK (RAINN), someone commits a sexual assault in America every 107 seconds, which equals about 230,000 victims…
Read onWelcome to WTFriday, our round-up of the week’s news that will have you questioning how humankind rose to the top of the food chain. Enjoy/weep.…
Read onNOT EVERYONE can say “No.” This post is not about rape culture, the objectification of women, or male entitlement to female bodies. These are important conversations…
Read onTHE RECENT RELEASE of the documentary, Storyville: India’s Daughter, is one of several efforts in recent years to bring attention to the problem of violence…
Read onWEEKEND REWIND is LadyClever’s round-up of important events and stories happening around the country over the weekend. Catch up on what you might have missed while…
Read onI HAVE to say, I’m still kind of hoping that this nail polish that detects the presence of drugs in your drink apparently created by a…
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