Props to model Iskra Lawrence for showing us how putting fat-shamers in their place is done!

ABOUT TWO WEEKS AGO, “news” broke of an Instagram model that’s claiming to have lost thousands of followers in a “social experiment” that involved her…
Read onGet those phones out.
Read onYOUR PHONE CHIRPS. Frantically, you reach into your pocket. With sweaty, eager palms, you see it sitting comfortably in your phone’s notifications: one new like.…
Read onARE YOU ON SOCIAL MEDIA? Duh. Of course you are. How could you not be? You’re a social kind of guy or gal with an…
Read onREMEMBER THAT commercial from the ’80s with the guy and the egg and the hot frying pan? “This is your brain,” he ominously said, holding…
Read onEVERYONE talks about first periods, bra shopping, and losing your virginity like they’re the defining moments of womanhood. I don’t know about you, but actually the…
Read onBETHENNY FRANKEL doesn’t need Jason DeRulo to make her famous on Instagram. The reality-TV veteran can make headlines via the social media site all…
Read onLook, Instagram has good intentions, probably. Their strict no-nudity clause, most likely created to protect the young and very modest (and the young and very…
Read onThe more technology plows into the future, the more I feel like a 91-year-old grandmother muttering about how things were better in the good old…
Read onFinally, a valid reason to post selfies. ASOS and Models 1 have announced that they’ve joined forces to launch a modeling contest on Instagram for…
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