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Dating happy people sounds a lot more appealing than dating unhappy people, in general, but according to a study published by the American Psychological Association, dating happy people can actually improve your health.
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Calling all hopeless romantics. Turns out you’re not even a little bit alone. Despite the evidence against it, a majority of single people still believe that marriage can last forever.
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If you count yourself among the bookworms of the world, kudos to you. It’s a healthy habit that can improve your life in a variety of ways, including making you a better, more empathetic person.
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From Pokémon Go to pumpkin spice lattes, everyone seems really damn anxious to point out when and why they’re too good or grown up to take part in a fad. And to that, I say let people enjoy the things that make them happy, because life is too short and the world is too sh**ty to get caught up in petty bull like this.
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You can stop beating yourself up for being a lazy daydreamer. Some recent research suggests that lazy people are actually smarter than people who always seek out physical activity, because smart people don’t get bored as easily and can entertain themselves by thinking instead of doing.
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We all know people who have a lot of opinions when it comes to other people’s relationships, although why they feel the need to voice them — or think that the couples in question even care, really — is hard to say.
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I don’t know when we reached the point when people became obsessed with parenting, the who’s-doing-what-and-how of it all, but we, as a society, probably need to pump our brakes.
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No matter how much you dated in school, you find out fast that the rules change when you reach adulthood.
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Men are usually assumed to be the cheating half of the species, especially when you take pseudo-biological theories into account.
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Executive recruiter Bruce Hurwitz probably thought he was being helpful when he penned a blog post for LinkedIn offering interview tips, but instead he made a bunch of people pretty angry.
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Goals are always a little out of reach from our current standpoint in life, which is why they’re our goals and not our current reality.
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In a world of inequality when it comes to wealth, privilege, and opportunity, a preoccupation with social justice pervades our thoughts, conversations, and lives.
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