
Study: Dating Happy People Can Improve Your Health

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Dating happy people sounds a lot more appealing than dating unhappy people, in general, but according to a study published by the American Psychological Association, dating happy people can actually improve your health.

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Sound Off: Can’t We Just Let People Enjoy Things?

From Pokémon Go to pumpkin spice lattes, everyone seems really damn anxious to point out when and why they’re too good or grown up to take part in a fad. And to that, I say let people enjoy the things that make them happy, because life is too short and the world is too sh**ty to get caught up in petty bull like this.

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Turns Out Lazy People Are Smarter than Active People

You can stop beating yourself up for being a lazy daydreamer. Some recent research suggests that lazy people are actually smarter than people who always seek out physical activity, because smart people don’t get bored as easily and can entertain themselves by thinking instead of doing.

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