Trigger-Happy: Reactions to Sweet Peach Too Swift?

A FEW DAYS AGO, when I first stumbled across the outrage surrounding the announcement of “Sweet Peach,” my first response was grounded in genuine confusion.…
Read onA FEW DAYS AGO, when I first stumbled across the outrage surrounding the announcement of “Sweet Peach,” my first response was grounded in genuine confusion.…
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Read onWHAT DOES IT MEAN when tens of thousands of lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies such as Merck and Bayer, brought against them over contraceptives such as…
Read onMOST PEOPLE, when faced with new information that has the potential to impact their lives, will take that information into account when considering their behaviors…
Read onDID YOU KNOW that there are some side effects to your birth control pill that fail to make it onto the insert? The drug companies…
Read onTHIS WEEK IN trending bodies, skinny is out, and muscle is in. Anyone who has that one friend on Facebook that you went to high…
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Read onWHEN NEWS HIT the Internet of the Columbian woman found with a potato growing inside of her vagina as the result of an attempt to…
Read onWE TEND TO think of science as unbiased, objective, without political slant. However, science, like anything else – think education, health care, law – does…
Read onALTHOUGH Apple neglected to integrate menstrual cycle data into their new Health App, there are a lot of independent fertility tracking apps out there to…
Read onWHILE MANY have claimed that necessity is the mother of invention, oftentimes, needs can be met and problems solved without having to lock oneself in…
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