The Sixth Annual New York City Poetry Festival
On the last Saturday and Sunday of July, poets and poetry lovers braved the rain and boarded the ferry to Governor’s Island.
Read onOn the last Saturday and Sunday of July, poets and poetry lovers braved the rain and boarded the ferry to Governor’s Island.
Read onA fabulously feminist art show is unfolding in L.A., championing women’s right to (cheerfully!) choose cherishing our cherries.
Read onHarry Potter and the Cursed Child had a stunning first week on shelves, but the Harry Potter play was missing something.
Read onAs news about The Handmaid’s Tale miniseries continues to roll in, some have taken issue with a particular casting choice: Samira Wiley as Moira.
Read onUnless you’ve been living under a rock and without WiFi, you’ve heard of Stranger Things. The über-Eighties homage has taken the world by storm. What’s more, the women’s perspectives in Stranger Things continue Netflix’s burgeoning legacy as a hub for great, woman-friendly television.
Read onA period-tracking startup is poised to take over the intersection of women’s health and technology. Natural Cycles claims it can help women trash their hormonal birth control, or conceive, depending on their needs.
Read onTrayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, and many other victims of police brutality have recently become household names across the U.S. and around the world.
Read onSince the recession came and “went,” we’ve grown accustomed to hearing just how expensive subsistence has become. Housing, education, and other basic expenditures have increased faster than the rate of inflation, putting stress on individuals and families — Millennial households in particular.
Read onIt was the shot heard round the world: Breitbart writer and Gamergater Milo Yiannopoulos was permanently banned from Twitter.
Read onPOP PRINCESSES COME AND GO, but Taylor Swift is determined to stay.
Read onON JULY 12, Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton as the Democratic presidential candidate. The endorsement provoked outrage in Sanders supporters, many of whom vowed to write in the candidate’s name at the polls in November.
Read onIt’s been ten years since Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston split and Brangelina rose from the ashes, but media coverage of Aniston’s life and relationships continues to draw on the circumstances surrounding her high-profile breakup. In a recent Huffington Post op-ed, Jennifer Aniston proved she’s all of us, and we need more of it.
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