
How to Manage “Me-Time” When Working from Home

I’ve been working from home since I graduated college, and I don’t think the responses from people who have just found out what I do for a living will ever change. Oh, wow, they want to work in their pyjamas, too; where do they sign up?

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Disrupting the System for an Awful President is Useless

Looking back on the 2016 presidential elections, it seems as though Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) threw his hat into the ring, and single-handedly inspired a generation of voters to cast their ballots in protest of the two-party system and all it represents.

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Eight Smart Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

Podcasts have become one of the most popular forms of entertainment and education. There is a podcast for every interest, and they’re a great way to pass time, learn something new, and just relax. Here are eight smart picks covering all kinds of topics, from literature to technology to race; you’re sure to find something to get hooked on.

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