Heart of Art: Breaking Cultural and Gender Barriers

The following is another post in L.A. DY Clever, our guide to events and news going on in Los Angeles that are of interest to…
Read onThe following is another post in L.A. DY Clever, our guide to events and news going on in Los Angeles that are of interest to…
Read onThe following is another post in L.A. DY Clever, our guide to events and news going on in Los Angeles that are of interest to…
Read onNO MATTER WHAT culture or religion you’re familiar with, every one has their own version of comfort food. And for many Jewish people, challah bread …
Read onWHEN NEWS HIT the Internet of the Columbian woman found with a potato growing inside of her vagina as the result of an attempt to…
Read onHAVE YOU EVER been invited to a swanky event at the last-minute, only to realize that your nails are shot and your hair is limper…
Read onLISA ODENWELLER is an “organic entrepreneur,” although the owner of Beaming, a growing chain of organic cafes and food products, hasn’t always been in the…
Read onEVERYONE’S always after a “behind the scenes” look at Hollywood, but there’s more to it than box offices and bombs. Producers have one of the most…
Read onFORGET the fashion frustration you’ve always felt when you read a magazine and wish you could purchase the item(s) you see on the page. Kate Davidson Hudson…
Read onFOR MOST women, shopping for a bra can be an ordeal, to say the least, a horrific experience on par with shopping for bikinis and…
Read on“THERE ARE no new ideas. There are only new ways of making them felt.” Writer Audre Lorde probably wasn’t talking about fashion when she dropped…
Read onANDY GONZALES AND SOPHIE HOUSER are New York City high school students who met through the organization Girls Who Code, whose aim is to “close the…
Read onBEAUTY is business for LALICIOUS founder Jessica Kernochan, and for 12 years she’s been the driving force behind the bath and body line she and her husband…
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