Time is one commodity that we can never get back, so it’s vital we develop good habits and rituals to follow – these tips will help improve your productivity during the work week and quality of life overall. Let’s begin…
Early Rising

This might seem obvious, but waking up early helps start your day without worry and panic. If you aren’t a morning person, start a night time ritual of prepping for the following day the best you can.
Easy Breakfast

As part of your night time ritual, have breakfast ready for the next morning. Try options such as overnight oats or hard boiled eggs. If you drink coffee, prep your coffee maker the night before and set a timer on it – waking up to the smell of coffee is heaven!
Organize the Essentials

Place your belongings (phone, keys, wallet) in the same place EVERY TIME so you don’t scramble to find anything last minute.
Meal Prep Lunches

Whether you meal prep lunches for an entire work week or just pre-pack one the night before, this cuts time deciding where or what to eat during lunch on a daily basis and will free up time for more important tasks.
Digital Calendar

Get a digital calendar app and use it like your life revolves around it. Every time something comes up during your day, just put it in your calendar and set notifications to remind you before you need to be somewhere. This is crucial for saving time and stress.
Keep it Simple

Keep things simple! It might sound boring in the long run, but simplifying everything makes life so much easier to handle. This can go for anything, especially for meals and keeping things minimal in your home.