go long.
Things are gonna get hairy. Known as N0-Shave November, Noshember, or even Mo’vember for the moustache-centric, the eleventh month of the year is currently devoted to bros letting their hair follicles flow, to fight cancer and raise awareness about men’s health issues. “What better way to grow awareness than with some hair?” No-ShaveNovember.com asks.
Those ready to let things get a little wooly can participate by growing a beard, fostering a fine a mustache, letting those legs get gloriously overgrown, and nixing that waxing appointment. “The goal of No-Shave November is to grow awareness by embracing our hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting it grow wild and free,” NSN says. Men are also encouraged to donate the cash they ordinarily spend on shaving and grooming for a month to “educate about cancer prevention, save lives, and aid those fighting the battle.”
For those who want to step it up, the American Cancer Society offers the ability to create tips and compete for longest beard or other best tressed titles your group designates. Folks can form groups with friends and coworkers to raise funds together and increase their potential.
The No-Shave November campaign started November 2009 on Facebook with under 50 participants, according to the NSN site. “Today, thousands of people across the globe join the fight against cancer and put down their razors for the month of November.”
“But modern beard-growing did not become a cultural movement until 1999, when a group of young men in Adelaide, South Australia coined the term “Movember” and grew their mustaches out during the month of November for charity,” according to a CBS affiliate. In 2004, an unrelated group in Melbourne ran with their own Movember ideas, which they would turn into an actual organization, the Movemeber Foundation charity. In 2006, the craze hit North America and from there, No Shave November was born.
What can ladies do? In addition to putting up with No-Shave November from our partners (which the Noshember site actually thanks us for), females are encouraged to let it grow too,”…the most commonly sported female hair is on the legs and under the arms. Now its quite uncommon for even males in our society to be unkempt in general, but its especially uncommon for females to go all natural. So we want to give you a special word of encouragement and thanks for supporting the ways of the hairy.” Get growing! — Casandra Armour
[Image: NoShaveHistory.com]