99 Problems and Fashion Magazines Are One

Take a close look at the magazine rack next time you’re standing in the checkout line. It might be a new week, but it’s always…
Read onTake a close look at the magazine rack next time you’re standing in the checkout line. It might be a new week, but it’s always…
Read onHumans are social creatures, there’s no doubt about that. But some days, it can feel like if we don’t see another person for the rest…
Read on“That wouldn’t have happened back home.” “What wouldn’t have?” “That whole day. Our conversation, the quiet location and views. And we didn’t have our phones out!” In…
Read onApparently Nabisco has just wrapped up a two-month run with their “Cookie Dough” Oreo, which seems as grotesquely redundant as obesity-riddled America would presently demand.…
Read onThere has been a great amount of praise and criticism for a certain female artist’s recent voice in feminism. I’ll give you a hint—her name…
Read onWriters are often referred to as “starving artists,” lumped into the category with aspiring musicians, actors and so forth. And though it’s true some may struggle…
Read onThe Secret came out when I was 22, just a young and impressionable girl in the throws of a very fickle career in the modeling…
Read onIt may be the first day of spring, but that doesn’t mean everything is coming up roses. If flowers are budding, but you’re just bumming,…
Read onNot that you’d be able to tell from the insane weather fluctuations that have been gripping the country (and L.A. specifically) as of late, but…
Read onSaying screw it to eight hours of sleep and staying up all night is cute at twenty-two. But that usually involves a night of never-ending parties…
Read onImagine you’re at the local grocery store with the love of your life, shopping for a dinner party the both of you are throwing later…
Read on“Yellow” came out when I was still in high school, back before I could drive, right about when I probably lost my virginity. I remember…
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