You Know You Need This: How to Save Money

Shop online. I buy all of my non-grocery essentials online. Not only do I save myself from needlessly crawling along in the nation’s worst traffic, but I also can shop for the best deals. For example, I read product reviews for the best shampoo and conditioner to tame my thin yet frizzy hair and purchase said wonder products at the least expensive price – without ever leaving my apartment. I repeat the process for nearly everything else, from household items to clothes (from companies with convenient return policies).

Be discerning about your spending. While I do advocate buying the cheapest finds, it is important to choose quality over quantity. For example, I buy organic fruits and vegetables over their cheaper pesticide-laden counterparts. While going organic is a bit more expensive, I ask myself: Do I want to consume harmful chemicals just to save a couple dollars (and die an early death), or do I want to live?

Deposit 10-20% (or any amount) of your paycheck into a savings account. Even if it’s one measly dollar every two weeks, small amounts do add up. Consistency and discipline is king. Another variation of this for those who still use cash, is setting loose change aside for at least a year, and depositing it into your bank account (to avoid fees from coin-to-cash machines).

Utilize reputable sources for financial advice
. Relying on non-credible sources for important decisions, specifically financial advice is lazy and can create irreparable harm. Really. Take a break from stalking others on Instagram and educate yourself about basic financial terms using reputable sources, and if feasible, professionals.

And while you’re busy saving those dollars more major life moments, also remember that money doesn’t buy love, or happiness.

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