Photo by Casandra Armour
“This is that kind of meal that used to worry me,” Hipsterfood‘s founder and vegan blogger Cara Livermore wrote.
“Will the potatoes be soft at the same time as the Brussels? Will the tofu have enough time to absorb all the flavors it needs to? How do I make all of this come together? Timing is everything in cooking, and making a meal like this makes me feel pretty good in the kitchen.” But when I came across her tantalizing Tumblr’s recipe on Pinterest, I felt confident I could duplicate this savory Sweet Potato & Brussels Tofu Scramble. Cara’s choice combination of veggies and easy-to-follow directions didn’t let me down.
The most noteworthy tweak I applied was that I marinaded the tofu to dodge that margin for error the blog suggested could be an issue. Don’t ever shun a tofu because you might think it’s “tasteless”. How would plain chicken taste without seasoning, spices, sauce, etc.? In other words, don’t send tofu to your plate naked.
Marinading the spongy soy product is a simple way to pack it with flavor. For this recipe, I used a simple balsamic vinaigrette, tarragon, and fresh garlic, cubed my super firm tofu and let it soak up the mixture over an afternoon. I also added a little bit of chili powder to my sweet potatoes for some kick.
Full disclosure, I’m not vegan, and I haven’t been vegetarian for about five years (though feel like I’m on the cusp of returning to the lifestyle). But I appreciate foods that are nutritious and delicious, and I don’t think exploration and enjoyment of food should be limited. Vegan food isn’t reserved for only vegans, and I consider it one of my favorite indulgences.
I followed Hipsterfood’s simple six-step process and the results were excellent. The bright Brussels sprouts set against the amber sweet potatoes looked gorgeous on the plate and the contrast between their tastes and textures made an ideal combination. Why is the pairing of veggies together so under-utilized? Though it was intended as a healthy breakfast pick-me-up, I used the scramble as a side dish and devoured it with a cut of stuffed salmon. — Casandra Armour
Check out Hipsterfood for more of Cara Livermore and her partner’s uncommon vegan recipes.