Five Low Calorie Indulgent Desserts We Love


Being a sugar addict is bad. We know. We get it, and we should totally cut it out of our diet.

We also like to indulge sometimes. It’s just too hard to say no to an adorable cupcake or a sweet piece of chocolate cake, and quite frankly we’re not going to apologize for it!

However, instead of ALWAYS going straight for the 1500 calorie piece of cheesecake, we have found some great alternatives that satisfy the craving without adding all those extra pounds.

Here are five low calorie desserts that we are obsessed with:

1) Bittersweet Chocolate Pudding – Chocolate, pudding, AND espresso too? Yup. It’s pretty much everything we need in life to be happy.

2) Miniature Apple Pie – Oh yes friend, just because you are going low calorie it does not mean you have to take pies completely off the table. The combo of cinnamon and apples is a no fail way to satisfy that sweet tooth.

3) Whoopie Pies – This old New England classic is sure to bring a sense of nostalgia to your dessert tray, and we love that they clock in at just 202 calories a piece. We realize you may want to eat the whole plate in one serving, but do practice some vague form of discipline. We told you we’d give you the recipes, not the control!

4) Lemon Yogurt Cake – If chocolate isn’t your thing, how about this delicious lemon yogurt cake? The lemon/poppyseed combo is always lovely. Pair it with a nice cup of tea and enjoy a relaxing treat after a long day.

5) Cherry Sorbet – We can’t make a dessert list without adding some delicious sorbet. With only 136 calories per serving, you can go in for seconds on this one. A great summer treat, or year round if you live in a warm climate; indulge, enjoy, and experiment with different fruits as you get more comfortable making this dish.

Share your favorite recipes with us in the comments below!–Sasha Huff

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