Jessica Alba, Post Baby Corset

It’s no secret that mom of two, Jessica Alba, has a banging body, and that she seems to bounce back from baby bumps and lumps at rapid speeds. Anyone recall this photo from a recent trip to Mexico? Her abs are flatter than most of us after a cleanse, and while she has the luxury of having money and the Hollywood body making machine at her disposal, the mom works for it, and isn’t shy about saying so.

In a recent interview with Net-A-Porter magazine, Jessica admitted to using a corset to re-gain her sleek and toned body post-baby.

“I wore a double corset day and night for three months. It was sweaty, but worth it,” reveals Alba.

Companies like Hourglass Angel are dedicated to reshaping women’s bodies. “A PowerLatex Core is our most popular prescription for post-baby bodies,” reveals the leading online shapewear merchant. “For example our Almighty Cincher by AMIA, slims your waist dramatically and immediately. Best of all, some users wearing the Almighty Cincher 8-10 hours a day for 30 days report sustained reduction of 1-4 inches in the midsection.”

Is this a course-t of action you’d be willing to try? Is 30 days of cinching worth a flat and toned tummy? It is a little extreme, but the proof is in the absence of the pudding.–Arianna Schioldager


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