A bit about: Lindy Kirk

Lindy Kirk
A Texas native, Lindy Kirk relocated to sunny Southern California nearly three years ago, where she currently lives with her three slightly insane dogs. With an insatiable curiosity for everything from sharks and Judaism to yoga and Ancient Egypt, Lindy enjoys any project that broadens her horizons and teaches her something. When she isn't writing, reading or tending to her livestock, Lindy can be found at the beach or park, basking in the California sun. You can follow her on Twitter @PennedByPaws.

More from Lindy:

Why Strength Training Is So Important for Women

As someone who once pledged her loyalty to cardio and cardio alone, I wanted to get to the bottom of things; namely, figure out exactly why I feel (and look) so much healthier since switching to a more balanced workout regimen that incorporates regular doses of weight and strength training.

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On Balancing Your Fitness Goals with Life Experiences

I PROMISED MYSELF THAT I WOULD STAY ON TRACK, that I wouldn’t let being away from home and plucked out of my daily routine derail me. Along with my workout clothes and running shoes, I also packed a three-week supply of protein powder to help me stick to my healthy-eating plan and stave off temptation.

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